Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Grey-headed Bush Shrike (Spookvoel)

Every year my work organizes a weekend during which we get to know each other better and participate in competitions among each other. As for me and Thinus, we got to know our bird a bit better as well. We went to a resort called Weesgerus about 6 kilometers from Nylstoom (Modimolle).
One of our first sightings was this
beautiful Grey-headed bush-shrike that caused lots of excitement. In Afrikaans it’s known as a “SpookvoĆ«l” literally translated as “Ghost bird”. It got its name because the bush-shrike’s call sounds a lot like a ghost calling.
As seen in the picture it has very good camouflage and it just make you think how many special birds could be hiding right under your nose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in the "near east" of Pretoria, and hear this shrike often. I have managed to observe it (against the sky) in a tall tree close by. within the family, we have each 'adopted' a bird as 'our own' and the bush shrike is my favourite. I like your site. Paul M